Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Military Police moved from Incarceration Staff and Placed under Military Intelligence (MI)

Janis Karpinski had been the head of Abu Ghraib prison in a very difficult time.  Intelligence was not being extracted from prisoners and their interrogations were conceived as totally ineffective.  With the arrival of General Miller from Gitmo, changes were swift.  The Military Police (MPs) were removed from incarceration duties, under the lead of Karpinski, and placed under the authority of the Military Intelligence (MI) division, their job description and responsibilities drastically changed.  Instead of guarding prisoners, they began to be used as the tools of torture under the authority of the MI.  In specific instances guards were instructed to "soften up" prisoners through the night that would be interrogated the next morning by the MI specialists.  This "softening up" process included using the enhanced interrogation techniques such as stress positioning, humiliation, nudity, and sleep depravation that had been brought to Abu Ghraib by General Miller and sanctioned by Rumsfeld.  Private security and intelligence contractors who answered to no one began directing MPs to torture the prisoners of Abu Ghraib with no conern of accountability. 

Psychological torture was now being used on the prisoners in the continued effort to extract detailed intelligence to be used to fight the insurgency in Iraq.  The devastating results from psychological torture are much more difficult to heal than the results of physical torture.  Sergeant Graner was chosen to lead the MPs guarding the prisoners held on Tier 1 because of his experience in civilian prisons.  Graner raised questions of the techniques being required by MI and OGA.  Graner felt that the specific things he was being asked to do were unethical and immoral, but he claimed that he had no choice but to follow the orders that were given to him.  The MPs were now the tools of torture in the hands of desperate MI division and the results of this move would be devastating and definitely inhumane.  Torture was now the accepted method of interrogation within Abu Ghraib. 

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